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The Holy Quran, the Eternal Miracle 

Holy Quran is the last book and universal code of life for all worlds that was revealed upon Prophet (PBUH) gradually. It is the direct speech of Allah and contains wisdom that no human can ever produce

The Qur’an is the eternal book of God, and the greatest miracle of his Messenger, which is truth, light, and guidance. It is a book that calls to goodness and leads mankind to maturity, raises it to the height of heights, and grants it an abundance of purity, love, and beauty.

The Qur’an is the greatest heavenly gift, and the most precious divine source, that guides the human mind in case of confusion and escorts them to the path of happiness and salvation, which is the straight path of God, and His solid rope.

And the Qur’an is a comprehensive book for the matters of the world and the hereafter, the individual and the group, in which you read the verses of monotheism, worship and faith as you read the verses of war and peace and the regulation of social and economic life alike. all of which.

You have in your hands the great book and an eternal miracle that was not written by humans, and development sent down from the sky. It is the speech of the great creative Creator.

You will find a well-kept and amazing book that you will not be tired of re-reading, and every time you read it, it amazes you as it contains the wisdom and the light that shows it. It has unique literary and scientific characteristics.

Translation of the Meanings of the Noble Qur'an

The Noble Qur'an » Abasa ( He frowned ) - عبس

عَبَسَ وَتَوَلَّىٰ عبس [1]
The Prophet frowned and turned away Abasa ( He frowned ) [1]
أَن جَاءَهُ الْأَعْمَىٰ عبس [2]
Because there came to him the blind man, [interrupting]. Abasa ( He frowned ) [2]
وَمَا يُدْرِيكَ لَعَلَّهُ يَزَّكَّىٰ عبس [3]
But what would make you perceive, [O Muhammad], that perhaps he might be purified Abasa ( He frowned ) [3]
أَوْ يَذَّكَّرُ فَتَنفَعَهُ الذِّكْرَىٰ عبس [4]
Or be reminded and the remembrance would benefit him? Abasa ( He frowned ) [4]
أَمَّا مَنِ اسْتَغْنَىٰ عبس [5]
As for he who thinks himself without need, Abasa ( He frowned ) [5]
فَأَنتَ لَهُ تَصَدَّىٰ عبس [6]
To him you give attention. Abasa ( He frowned ) [6]
وَمَا عَلَيْكَ أَلَّا يَزَّكَّىٰ عبس [7]
And not upon you [is any blame] if he will not be purified. Abasa ( He frowned ) [7]
وَأَمَّا مَن جَاءَكَ يَسْعَىٰ عبس [8]
But as for he who came to you striving [for knowledge] Abasa ( He frowned ) [8]
وَهُوَ يَخْشَىٰ عبس [9]
While he fears [Allah], Abasa ( He frowned ) [9]
فَأَنتَ عَنْهُ تَلَهَّىٰ عبس [10]
From him you are distracted. Abasa ( He frowned ) [10]
كَلَّا إِنَّهَا تَذْكِرَةٌ عبس [11]
No! Indeed, these verses are a reminder; Abasa ( He frowned ) [11]
فَمَن شَاءَ ذَكَرَهُ عبس [12]
So whoever wills may remember it. Abasa ( He frowned ) [12]
فِي صُحُفٍ مُّكَرَّمَةٍ عبس [13]
[It is recorded] in honored sheets, Abasa ( He frowned ) [13]
مَّرْفُوعَةٍ مُّطَهَّرَةٍ عبس [14]
Exalted and purified, Abasa ( He frowned ) [14]
بِأَيْدِي سَفَرَةٍ عبس [15]
[Carried] by the hands of messenger-angels, Abasa ( He frowned ) [15]
كِرَامٍ بَرَرَةٍ عبس [16]
Noble and dutiful. Abasa ( He frowned ) [16]
قُتِلَ الْإِنسَانُ مَا أَكْفَرَهُ عبس [17]
Cursed is man; how disbelieving is he. Abasa ( He frowned ) [17]
مِنْ أَيِّ شَيْءٍ خَلَقَهُ عبس [18]
From what substance did He create him? Abasa ( He frowned ) [18]
مِن نُّطْفَةٍ خَلَقَهُ فَقَدَّرَهُ عبس [19]
From a sperm-drop He created him and destined for him; Abasa ( He frowned ) [19]
ثُمَّ السَّبِيلَ يَسَّرَهُ عبس [20]
Then He eased the way for him; Abasa ( He frowned ) [20]
ثُمَّ أَمَاتَهُ فَأَقْبَرَهُ عبس [21]
Then He causes his death and provides a grave for him. Abasa ( He frowned ) [21]
ثُمَّ إِذَا شَاءَ أَنشَرَهُ عبس [22]
Then when He wills, He will resurrect him. Abasa ( He frowned ) [22]
كَلَّا لَمَّا يَقْضِ مَا أَمَرَهُ عبس [23]
No! Man has not yet accomplished what He commanded him. Abasa ( He frowned ) [23]
فَلْيَنظُرِ الْإِنسَانُ إِلَىٰ طَعَامِهِ عبس [24]
Then let mankind look at his food - Abasa ( He frowned ) [24]
أَنَّا صَبَبْنَا الْمَاءَ صَبًّا عبس [25]
How We poured down water in torrents, Abasa ( He frowned ) [25]
ثُمَّ شَقَقْنَا الْأَرْضَ شَقًّا عبس [26]
Then We broke open the earth, splitting [it with sprouts], Abasa ( He frowned ) [26]
فَأَنبَتْنَا فِيهَا حَبًّا عبس [27]
And caused to grow within it grain Abasa ( He frowned ) [27]
وَعِنَبًا وَقَضْبًا عبس [28]
And grapes and herbage Abasa ( He frowned ) [28]
وَزَيْتُونًا وَنَخْلًا عبس [29]
And olive and palm trees Abasa ( He frowned ) [29]
وَحَدَائِقَ غُلْبًا عبس [30]
And gardens of dense shrubbery Abasa ( He frowned ) [30]
وَفَاكِهَةً وَأَبًّا عبس [31]
And fruit and grass - Abasa ( He frowned ) [31]
مَّتَاعًا لَّكُمْ وَلِأَنْعَامِكُمْ عبس [32]
[As] enjoyment for you and your grazing livestock. Abasa ( He frowned ) [32]
فَإِذَا جَاءَتِ الصَّاخَّةُ عبس [33]
But when there comes the Deafening Blast Abasa ( He frowned ) [33]
يَوْمَ يَفِرُّ الْمَرْءُ مِنْ أَخِيهِ عبس [34]
On the Day a man will flee from his brother Abasa ( He frowned ) [34]
وَأُمِّهِ وَأَبِيهِ عبس [35]
And his mother and his father Abasa ( He frowned ) [35]
وَصَاحِبَتِهِ وَبَنِيهِ عبس [36]
And his wife and his children, Abasa ( He frowned ) [36]
لِكُلِّ امْرِئٍ مِّنْهُمْ يَوْمَئِذٍ شَأْنٌ يُغْنِيهِ عبس [37]
For every man, that Day, will be a matter adequate for him. Abasa ( He frowned ) [37]
وُجُوهٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ مُّسْفِرَةٌ عبس [38]
[Some] faces, that Day, will be bright - Abasa ( He frowned ) [38]
ضَاحِكَةٌ مُّسْتَبْشِرَةٌ عبس [39]
Laughing, rejoicing at good news. Abasa ( He frowned ) [39]
وَوُجُوهٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ عَلَيْهَا غَبَرَةٌ عبس [40]
And [other] faces, that Day, will have upon them dust. Abasa ( He frowned ) [40]
تَرْهَقُهَا قَتَرَةٌ عبس [41]
Blackness will cover them. Abasa ( He frowned ) [41]
أُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الْكَفَرَةُ الْفَجَرَةُ عبس [42]
Those are the disbelievers, the wicked ones. Abasa ( He frowned ) [42]

TheWayToAllah - The Tranquility