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How to be a Muslim


Beginner's guide to Islam

Reverting to Islam is easier than one can imagine, but once you accept you have to fully submit yourself to the religious demands. In this regard, the very basic belief is that there is one God who is the sole creator of this amazing universe. He is the one who controls everything and from whom you will seek help in every situation. God is Almighty Allah and considering any person, people, or feeling equivalent to his qualities will not qualify you as Muslim. Now, the question comes to mind that how come we understand Allah in its real sense. To solve this issue, Allah has sent various Prophets to earth to spread his message from time to time. The last in this respect was Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) who was a human being as well as the most blessed prophet of Allah.

Therefore, the very first to become a Muslim is to believe that “there is no God, but one who is Allah Almighty and Prophet (PBUH) is his final messenger”. If you utter this phrase (known as Shahadah) in front of at least two people with complete faith in it then you will be qualified to be a Muslim.


The Prophet’s Dedicated Mercy


Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) received Allah’s vision through his angel at the age of 40 and he was chosen to guide humanity. Allah’s divine instructions to him are written in the form of a book called the Holy Quran. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) preached to humans about how can we live an ideal life according to the chosen path of Allah. All his sayings and daily practices (called Sunnah) are recorded in the form of Hadiths, and Muslims are required to follow them other than Quran. Without believing the prophet-hood no one can become Muslim.

The Holy Quran, the Eternal Miracle


Holy Quran is the last book and universal code of life for all worlds that was revealed upon Prophet (PBUH) gradually. It is the direct speech of Allah and contains wisdom that no human can ever produce

The Qur’an is the eternal book of God, and the greatest miracle of his Messenger, which is truth, light, and guidance. It is a book that calls to goodness and leads mankind to maturity, raises it to the height of heights, and grants it an abundance of purity, love, and beauty.

The Qur’an is the greatest heavenly gift, and the most precious divine source, that guides the human mind in case of confusion and escorts them to the path of happiness and salvation, which is the straight path of God, and His solid rope.

And the Qur’an is a comprehensive book for the matters of the world and the hereafter, the individual and the group, in which you read the verses of monotheism, worship and faith as you read the verses of war and peace and the regulation of social and economic life alike. all of which.

You have in your hands the great book and an eternal miracle that was not written by humans, and development sent down from the sky. It is the speech of the great creative Creator.

You will find a well-kept and amazing book that you will not be tired of re-reading, and every time you read it, it amazes you as it contains the wisdom and the light that shows it. It has unique literary and scientific characteristics.


Submitting yourself to God


When you recite the basic verses to become Muslim then you are free from every fear and worry. You submit all your worries, pain, depression, and issues to Allah, and seek his guidance on every step. It gives you the power that there is Almighty Allah who will take care of all your problems and if anything is happening in your life then it is his will. By accepting the oneness and putting all your faith in him will make you fearless and worry-free.

Being a Muslim, you will have to believe that there are two worlds for a human. The first life is in this mortal world where we are living and the second life will be in the immortal world where we will have life forever. Whatever good we do here, we will be blessed therewith paradise which is the best place to live and Allah will be happy. However, if we do not act upon the saying of Allah and his messenger then our immortal life will be in hell where will have all the bad things including fire, etc.

An honest observation would disclose that pleasing all people at the same time would not be possible and this takes away your peace. However, following the heavenly path of Allah is easy as it puts an end to all materialistic wishes and expectations.




The whole concept of Islam rests upon these five pillars and acting upon each of them is obligatory upon every Muslim.

1st Pillar of Islam – Shahadah (Affirmation): Reciting and believing in this verse make you a Muslim.

2nd Pillar of Islam – Salat (Prayers): Praying five times a day in a manner the Prophet (PBUH) and Allah have instructed.

3rd Pillar of Islam – Zakat (Alm): Paying charity alms to the needy in ratio and manner Allah has asked

4th Pillar of Islam – Sawm (Fasting): Fasting during the whole month of Ramadan (a month in lunar calendar). During a fast Muslims feel the pain of the poor and needy without eating, drinking, and sexual interaction from dawn till dusk.

5th Pillar of Islam – Hajj (Pilgrimage): Muslims who have the means i.e. savings and good health should at least go for pilgrimage to the holy land of Mecca.


Why the five pillars of Islam are Important?


A house standing on five pillars could be the best example. The central pillar is Shahadah and the other four pillars are giving it support in a way that the house (Islam) cannot stand firm without any of these.

The same goes for the above five pillars, these deeds provide the basic structure to your religion Islam. These are interdependent and skipping any of these would not make you a complete Muslim.

Acting on five pillars would mean that your faith is strong and you have quit secular idea to believe in the unanimity of Allah.


First  Pillar – Shahadah


Anyone who decides to revert to Islam has to recite it once with all his/her heart. There shall be total sincerity, clarity, and faith while pronouncing the phrase. Usually, original Arabic phrases are recited, and thereafter, the exact translation of the same into the native language would be required.

The Arabic text in the Roman alphabet is

“Ashhadu Alla Ilaha Illa Allah Wa Ashhadu Anna Muhammad Rasulu Allah”

The translation of the same would be repeated in your native language so that you understand the exact meaning. The English translation is

“There is no God but Allah (there is none worthy of worship but Allah), and Muhammad (PBUH) is the Messenger of Allah.”


Linking yourself to Allah – Daily Prayers


The second pillar of Islam is repeated five times on a daily basis and it shows the reinforcement on prayers shows that how important they are. Returning to Allah on different slots of the day facing towards Mecca gives you peace and reiterates the presence of Allah with you. It gives a deeper sense to the person that God is seeing you, hearing you, and loves you which will obviously make him/her forget all the sorrows.

To perform mandatory prayers, you should be clean and perform mandatory ablution (cleaning) with water. Cleanliness is half of faith in Islam and a specific code is to be followed on how clean different parts of the body.

You can pray at any clean place, but praying in mosques is highly encouraged. Both men and women can pray in the mosque, but they should not mingle with one another. As a practice, the mosque will have separate portions for either gender. Praying together gives a sense of social bonding and it allows us to be aware of what our circle is going through. This is a greater way to socially interact with other people who have similar faith and someone may help you with any of your problems.


Sense of care for others – Fasting


Emotions and empathy make us different from all other giant creatures and powerful machines. Islam is dedicated to the wellbeing of entire humanity; therefore, knowing the issues of poor people is also necessary for religion. In this respect, Muslims are bound to pay a portion of their owned wealth i.e. 2.5% to vulnerable people of the society entirely for a charitable purpose.

Paying of Zakat is a monetary form of worship. Since money and wealth is very dear to all of us, but giving them away to needy people entirely for the happiness of Allah makes society a better place where everyone will have the means to live.

Though paying regular charity (called Sadaqah) is highly encouraged in Islam, but Zakat is mandatory. It is not a tax or anything similar, but an act of kindness that would purify the remaining 97.5% of your wealth.


Hunger and thirst builds empathy – Fasting


Islam is a universal religion and it emphasizes its believers to be compassionate about the situation of others. Going without any edibles, drinkables, smoke, sex (with wife) and other similar items will make you realize the pain of people who do not have these luxuries. This ritual purification makes you more thankful to the blessings of Allah.

Muslims will fast for one whole month each year in the Muslim month of Ramadan from the earliest morning to sunset.


Traveling in the path of Allah – Hajj


The pilgrimage is a greater sense of cleaning the sole. When you meet millions of Muslims in Mecca then it will give a sense of togetherness and bonding with people who have the same faith as you. People without the discrimination of color, nationhood, wealth will stand together in prayers to eliminate many evils such as jealousy, racism, and pride.



Islam is all about the submission of personal wills and giving higher importance to the will of Allah. Even fulfilling the rights of Allah and Humanity will not qualify you as a good Muslim. You have to take care of the environment, and even have to be careful about the rights of animals. You have to give up bad habits like drinking or out of marriage sex. You have to take care of your health by not taking Tobacco or anything harmful and have to pick the same for other humans.

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